current home to all things Regal Degal!
"Just In Case You Didn't Know", R'egal as of March 2010 is a 3-person group based in Brooklyn, NY.
It's probably best that the description stops here and the sounds take over. We are planning on recording later this month - for now, here are two products of Regal Degal:
~ "I Saw The Smoke" (Hi Altitude Fun Mix):
Recorded in mid-February by the group - this mix sounds like we're playing from within a beautiful porcelain toilet bowl. This is the result of spending a lot of time on an initial mix, then too much time listening back to it and not enjoying it enough, and then spending very little time on this more enjoyable and questionable mix.
~ "Regal Sound Collage #1":
A small exercise in armchair psychedelia, download it here.
Enjoy, be back soon